Hillsborough County Chartered Republican Clubs
Alafia Republican Club
Alafia Republican Club
Location: O'Brien's Pub & Grill 701 W. Lumsden Rd. Brandon
Time: Third Monday of each month. Social 6:00 p.m., business 6:30 p.m.
President: Steve Emerson - alafia.republicans@gmail.com or visit Facebook.
Hillsborough County Black Republican Club – **Everyone Welcome! **
Hillsborough County Black Republican Club – **Everyone Welcome! **
Location: Meets in various locations in Tampa. See the Club Website or Facebook page for monthly location
Time: 4th Thursday of each month at 6:30 pm
President: Tim Driver - president@hcbrc.org or visit Facebook and Website
Greater Brandon Republican Club (GBRC)
Greater Brandon Republican Club (GBRC)
Location: Crafty Crab Restaurant, 704 E Brandon Blvd, Brandon, FL 33511.
Time: 1st Tuesday of each month. Social at 6:30 p.m. Business at 7:00 p.m.
President: Melissa Jackson - Facebook or BrandonRepublicans@protonmail.com.
New Tampa Republican Club (NTRC)
New Tampa Republican Club (NTRC)
Location: Compton Park - 16101 Compton Dr, Tampa, FL 33647
Time: 4th Monday of every month. Social at 6 pm. Meeting at 7 pm.
President: Mindi Kocurec NTRepublicanClub@Gmail.com or Facebook.
North Hillsborough Republican Club (NHRC)
No meetings in December or July.
Location: Iavorone's Italian Steakhouse, 3617 W Humphrey St, Tampa, FL 33614
Time: 2ndTuesday of each month. Social at 6:00 p.m. Dinner & meeting at 7 p.m.
Reservations: Susie Nicely snice988@yahoo.com. RSVPs must be in by the Monday night before the meeting. NHRC Club Annual Dues: $25 due each May; No Shows Will Be Invoiced, All Republicans welcome. The candidate’s staff may attend without having dinner.
President: Bob Deboer - bgd@deboersearch.com 813-476-3484
Riverview Republican Club
Riverview Republican Club
Location: Riverview Public Library - 9951 Balm Riverview Rd.
(Location subject to change – check FB).
Time: The last Monday of every month at 6:30 pm Riverview. 6:15 social time.
President: Jeff Lukens - jplukens@gmail.com or visit our Facebook.
South Shore Republican Club
Location: Alpha Pizza House - 1312 Apollo Beach Blvd., Apollo Beach
Time: 1st Thursday of each month
President: Bob Emerson at 813-613-5279 or email rbe1454@gmail.com
South Tampa Republican Club
South Tampa Republican Club
Location: Bocelli's (Sociable) Italian Restaurant, 5427 Bayshore Blvd.
Time: 3rd Tuesday of the month. Social 6:30 PM, Meeting 7 PM.
President: Scott Levinson
Sun City Center Republican Club
Location: St. Andrew Presbyterian Church, 1239 W. Del Webb Blvd, Sun City Center
Time: 4th Tuesday of each month. Social: 1:30 pm, Meeting: 2:00-3:00 pm
President: Dick Inglis at magictrot@aol.com or visit Facebook
Temple Terrace Area Republican Club (TTARC)
Location: Temple Terrace Golf and Country Club, 200 Inverness Ave., Temple Terrace, FL 33617. (Food purchase optional)
Time: 1st Thursday of each month. 6 pm Social, 6:30 pm (pre-ordered) Dinner Served (RSVP with your meal order to: er.snelling@verizon.net), 7 pm Meeting. Club dues are $20 (Individual) or $30 (Couple).
President: David Pogorilich david_pogo@hotmail.com 813.985.3545 or visit http://www.ttarc.org.
Hillsborough County Federated Republican Clubs
Hillsborough County Federated Republican Clubs
Hillsborough Women’s Republican Club Federated
Hillsborough Women’s Republican Club Federated
Location: Brunchies (Private Room), 14366 North Dale Mabry Highway, Tampa. FL. 33618
Time: 3rd Wednesday of the Month at Meeting Time: 12 p.m. - 2 p.m.
President: Roxanne Bunting: roxannebuntingop@gmail.com.
Plant City Republican Women Federated
Plant City Republican Women Federated
Location: Meets at Grace Point Church, 1107 Charlie Griffin Road, Plant City, Florida
Time: 4th Thursday of the month. Social: 6:30 pm, Meeting: 7:00 pm
President: Wendy Brown, Wsgb2801@yahoo.com
Tampa Republican Women Federated
Tampa Republican Women Federated
Location: Besito Mexican - 205 Westshore Plaza, Tampa FL 33609
Time: 1st Monday of each month. Social at 5:30 p.m. Meeting at 6:30 p.m
President: Terry R. Castro. For reservations or information contact: Tamparwf@gmail.com or visit their website or Twitter.
Valrico Area Federated Republican Women (VAFRW)
Valrico Area Federated Republican Women (VAFRW)
Location: Bloomingdale Regional Public Library - 1906 Bloomingdale Ave, Valrico FL 33596
Time: 2nd Tuesday of each month. Social time at 6 p.m., meeting at 7 p.m.
President: Linda Townsend
Hillsborough County Unchartered Republican Clubs
Hillsborough County Unchartered Republican Clubs
Log Cabin Republicans of Tampa Bay
Location: Big Storm Brewing Ybor, 1600 E 7th Ave #2, Tampa, FL. 33605
Time: Third Tuesday of each month. Social 6:30 p.m., business 7 p.m.
President: Adam Heldmyer -info.lcrtampabay@gmail.com or visit Facebook
Tampa Bay Young Republicans (TBYR)
Location: The Barrymore Hotel but this is subject to change per meeting.
Time: 4th Tuesday of every month.
President: Brittany Lakhani at president@tbyr.com
http://www.tbyr.com, or visit http://www.facebook.com/tbyrs.
The Young Republicans require all members to be aged 18-40, but all ages are welcome to attend meetings and become associate members. Our membership dues are only $50 per year and $25 per year for current students. Associate member dues are a minimum of $25 per year.
Public Notice

Our next meeting will be February 13, 2025.
Tampa, FL 33634
The meeting starts at 7:00 pm.
The Importance
of Voting

- Express your voice
- Influence policies
- Hold leaders accountable
- Protect you and your family's rights
- Shape the future